5:19 AM

What's that song? Identify it FAST with SoundHound !

What's that song? Identify it FAST with SoundHound.
Unlimited music recognition! With the world's fastest music recognition and exclusive singing search, SoundHound is instant music search and discovery.

SoundHound includes:
♪ The world's fastest music recognition: name tunes playing from a speaker in as little as four seconds. 
♪ The world's only viable singing and humming recognition
♪ Song Previews
♪ Lyrics
♪ LiveLyrics (in the U.S. and Canada): see Lyrics in time with the music for music recognition!
♪ Music Videos
♪ Share to Facebook and Twitter instantly
♪ Home screen widget allows you to identify music without launching the app
♪ Geo-tagging, buy links, and more...

What's in this version : (Updated : Dec 23, 2013)
Speed improvements
Bug Fixes
Help translate SoundHound in your language: http://goo.gl/cU1ahk
Required Android O/S : 1.6+

Screenshots :

SoundHound ∞ - screenshot
SoundHound ∞ - screenshot
SoundHound ∞ - screenshot
SoundHound ∞ - screenshot
SoundHound ∞ - screenshot
SoundHound ∞ - screenshot
SoundHound ∞ - screenshot
SoundHound ∞ - screenshot
Download : 6.1Mb APK